Financial Services

Immediate Emergency Funding Resources
MVAA: 800-MICH-VET (800-642-4838)
Fallen and Wounded Soldier Fund, www.fwsf.org
SSVF funds: pays hotel costs up to 60 days SSVF can pay 60 days of hotel, she should not need income to qualify, but 60 days is the max hotel Go here and click on Locate an SSVF Provider, “Explore Directory” on right side.
Forgotten Eagles, www.forgotteneagles.org
Michigan Mobility Wallet, www.michiganmobilitywallet.org
Salvation Army – temporary housing funds
Julie’s List
Volunteers of America - 877-509-VETS
Local VFW
VVA 154, www.vva154.com
Good Shepherd Coalition, (586) 307-8888, www.gscmacomb.org/home
Macomb Community College emergency funding for current students
Volunteers of America SERV program, 877-509-VETS
Downriver for Veterans, 734-934-0532