About Lori
Lori is from Port Huron and has lived in the St. Clair County area her entire life. She is married to a Navy veteran and the proud mom of 3. Her oldest daughter is married to a Marine veteran, her son and daughter in law are still active duty Air Force and her youngest daughter is an Air Force veteran. As the mom of active duty Airmen, she once had their children living with her for over a year when they were both overseas in different countries. When one member of the family serves in the military, the whole family serves.
Volunteering has been a big part of her life beginning when her children were young and they all were involved in Scouting, she was either a leader or assistant for their troops. Soon after her son entered the Air Force, she became involved with Blue Star Mothers. A few years later, realizing that the entire family serves and not just moms, she formed a new organization with several other women called Raising American Heroes in 2020. There the entire family gets involved with supporting our veterans and active duty troops and families of our fallen. She has been a volunteer for the American Red Cross in the Services to Armed Forces division supporting our veterans and active duty troops since 2018. Through these organizations, Lori was introduced to Mid-Michigan Honor Flight and it was a perfect compliment to her passions to support our veterans.
She has been the secretary for Motor City VCAT since 2016 and is currently the President of Raising American Heroes Organization and Treasurer of Mid-Michigan Honor Flight in addition to voluntary roles within the American Red Cross. Joining Mid-Michigan Honor Flight and founding a new organization in Raising American Heroes during the middle of the Covid pandemic was a challenge but has been a highlight to her as a volunteer and advocate for veterans and military families.