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Tom Pitock

Veteran Services Coordinator and VA School Certifying Official (SCO) at the University of Michigan-Dearborn

Education Chair Motor City VCAT

About Tom


With over 22 years of military service, Tom retired from the United States Coast Guard with the rank of Chief Petty Officer in 2008. Upon retiring from the Coast Guard, Tom enrolled in college as a non-traditional student. He obtained his associate degree in communication from Yuba College Marysville, California and his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Brandman University out of Irvine, California. Tom began his professional career in Higher Education in 2009 as the Career, Transfer, and Veterans Services Coordinator from the Yuba Community College District. In August of 2017, Tom moved back to Michigan and serves in his current role. His mission is to represent all military-affiliated students to promote programs and services to ensure student success.

In addition, with being the Veterans Services Coordinator/SCO at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Tom’s other professional affiliations and memberships include.

  • American Legion

  • City of Dearborn 19th District Veteran’s Treatment Court, Education Liaison and Peer Mentor

  • Past Commander (2021) and Trustee for the City of Dearborn Allied Veterans Council

  • Motor City Veteran Community Action Team, Education Pillar

  • Student Veterans of America

  • United States Coast Guard Chief Petty Officers’ Association.


Veteran Services Program Manager, VA-School Certifying Official, University of Michigan-Dearborn

Phone: 313-436-9196 
Mobile: 313-583-6594 

Address: University of Michigan-Dearborn Veteran Services
4901 Evergreen Road
James C. Renick University Center, Room 2113
Dearborn, MI 48128 


Note: General Office Hours are 8:30 am -- 5:00 pm.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday on campus (RM 2113)
Remotely on Monday & Friday. 


Representing Macomb, Wayne and Oakland Counties.

Michigan Veterans Community Action Team Region 10 Motor City VCAT


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