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Education Benefits

How to guide to apply!

VA education and training benefits

Veterans Affairs

The best way to apply for your education benefits is by going to

You can also apply for education benefits by doing any of the following options:

Call 888-442-4551, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET, to request that we send the application to you. Fill it out and mail it to the VA regional claims processing office that’s in the same location as your school.
See a list of regional claims processing offices

In person

Go to a VA regional office and have a VA employee help you.
Find a VA regional office near you

Work with your school’s certifying official. This person is usually in the Registrar or Financial Aid office at the school.

With the help of a trained professional

You can work with a trained professional called an accredited representative to get help applying for education benefits.
Get help filing your claim

For more information education benefits, visit

Representing Macomb, Wayne and Oakland Counties.

Michigan Veterans Community Action Team Region 10 Motor City VCAT


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